Scilab Anywhere Client/Sever version Users' Guide - A detail manual book


1) Server Installation:
Preparation: Get the two source file of Scilab and Scilab Anywhere:
scilab-2.6.src.tar.gz (or higher version, you can get it from “”)
The Server can just be installed on Linux platform.
For installation ,just follow the below steps:
Step 1: Decompress the scilab source code and compile it. Please study the README for details. In additon, don’t clean the obj files after installation, for they will be used by installing Scilab Anywhere server program.
Step 2:Found a subdirectory, which can be named "ScilabAnywhere" or other name you like, under the Scilab Installation directory. Decompress the file "SciAnywhere.tar" into the new founded directory. In fact, Scilab Anywhere server can be installed in any directory. The only thing in differences is that you must do some changing in the "Makefile". Please change the value of the “SCIDIR”, which is "../" by default, to right path of the Scilab installation. For example, if your Scilab has been installed in the directory “/usr/local/bin/scilab-2.6” while the installation directory of Scilab Anywhere is “/usr/local/bin/SciAnywhere”, you should change the sentence in Makefile "SCIDIR=../" to "SCIDIR=../scilab-2.6" or "SCIDIR=/usr/local/bin/scilab-2.6".
Step3:Copy the file “Makefile.incl” under the Scilab installation directory to “SciAnywhere/config/” and replace the former one..
Step 4:Enter the “config” subdirectory and add executable permission to the file “Init” by this command:
" chmod u+x Init”
Step 5: After the above four steps, it comes to compiling the source files. Take it easy ,it is very simple. Use the shell command “make” and it will be ok. If there are no errors during compiling, you will get a executable file “SciServer”. It is just the file we need only for running Scilab Anywhere server. Maybe there are some errors during compiling, look back to the Step 1-4 to check whether you have done the right operations. In addition, pay more attention to Step 2.

2)Client Installation:
Client for Linux:
The installation package of Scilab Anywhere client for Linux includes two file: SciClient.c and SciClient.h. Installation is very simple. Make sure the two files are under the same directory. Use the C complier to compile the files and you will get the executable file. On the Linux platform, you can use gcc, a popular C complier for Linux, to compile: “gcc SciClient.c –o SciClient.” The “SciClient” is the executable file name. Then you can run the executable file,“./SciClient”, to start the client.

Client for Windows:
Run setup.exe and follow the install guide.

3) Server Getting Started and Shutdown
Start Scilab Anywhere server:
1. Enter the directory in which Scilab Anywhere server has been installed and then use the command to start the server: “./SciServer [port]”.The parameter “path” ,which assigns the port number for the Scilab Anywhere, is optional. It is suggested that the port number should greater than 1024 to avoid conflict with the Systerm-assigned ports. If you don’t set the port number, it will be 7777 by default.
2. When the server is successfully started, there should be a message below printed by the server program:
" Startup execution: loading initial environment Scilab Server Started!”
3. Once the server has been successfully started, it will be listened at the assigned port to check whether there are requests from the clients. If the server has accepted the request from the client, it can process the scripts from client and send the results back to client automatically until the client exits. A SciServer , by default, can process at most 1024 client requests synchronously. It is sure that if you have a server with super ablitity, the max processing requests can be increased.
Shutdown Scilab Anywhere Server:
Press “CTRL+C” to shutdown the server, it is simple but effective.

2 minutes’ guide to Client:
When the Scilab Anywhere server was started you can use the Client to load on it and run Scilab on net.
Now we will show you how to use the Client. Ready? let’s go.
1.Open the Scilab Anywhere Client on you machine. The window of the Client is like the picture below:

You may be familiar with most of the buttons, don't you?
Now, let’s use the window of the "Connect to Scilab Server" to connect to the Scilab Anywhere Sever.
The port of the port is 7777.
After the Client connects to the Sever, you can see the window below, where you can input the scripts of the Scilab and send them to the Sever and display the result of the Sever.

When the result of the Sever is graphics, the picture may be sent to your machine, then messages will show you what to do. While, the text from the Sever can be saved at any time.
Finally when you don’t want to use the Scilab Anywhere, you can close the Client directly. Two messages will be shown at that time, press the buttons, as you want the computer to do.

Here we also give out a test host address for the Scilab Anywhere:, and the port is 7777.

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