Demos for Scilab Anywhere


1.When you run the connection in your machine,you will see the window "SciClient Setup".

2.If the Client build up the connection with the Server,you will see the main window of the Client.

And now you can run Scilab on the Scrver through the Client without Scilab installed on your machine.Let's see some demos to learn Scilab-Anywhere step by step.

Because the resules will be different with the same script.We will show you this fact through some demos.

1. Grayplot of a surface
2. Grayplot of a surface defined by a function
3. Combining 3D and contour plots (2)
4. plot2d and xgrid
5. histplot()
6. fplot2d()
7. Combining 2d graphics on 3d graphic
8. 3D surface
9. 3D surface defined by a function
10. Vector file


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